No Metro at night in Paris

unedited text

I found myself without metro transportation back to my friend’s apartment after visiting my friend Ali at his job!

I found myself stuck at the metro at 12:50 AM.

I got to the metro station just on time to see my last metro leave without me actually understanding it was the last metro which was headed to the 13iem arrondissement (borough), line 7 the closest line which would take me to my destination.

I paid three times I believe to go inside and not see anymore metros passing by. A man standing outside the doors after getting out of the metro area Mentioned I would take the the metro which was going the opposite way to get off on a different station to take 2 night buses to my destination.

He mentioned I could ask the people by the metro station to guide me on which buses to take.

Had to pay again to get through the metro doors to take the other metro line which was surprisingly still running! Just my night! Right!

Took the metro line which was going north and got off on the station where I can get the night bus. I tried sling some people with my broken French as it was already 1:30 AM. I finally found someone to ask, so if this eve happens to you there are employees from the bus who work around the bus areas and can guide you and they speak enough English to guide you on the buses to take.

I had to wait a while for the bus N15 to Chatelet and then figure out where the other stop for the other bus I needed to take which was N22 or N16! That was another challenge, but luckily like I mentioned there are people by the bus stops which can guide you a simple “vous parles anglais” Can help you to get the guidance.

There’s a whole new night life on the night buses! At first it was scary, but later it was fine, because you’ll find locals and tourists half of them drunk riding on the bus! I’m the end it was quite fun to ride the bus and everything worked out fine!

Next time keep in mind you will be looking for the night bus back to your destination if you miss the last metro! Or pay for an Uber or taxi back to your destination, which I haven’t used yet!

extras: :)

off at the following station to take a bus to my destination. This is all happening in French and I am scared of how I need to get to borough 13th! My cell phone has limited battery and I freak out! Still manage to get to the station where I will be able to get the bus. Still a bit lost I do not understand where to take the bus which will take me to the other buses where I need to transfer.


The Ghost of You


Miradas que se cruzan