Here I am in Paris…

23 September, 2022

Unedited Text

I have been wanting to come back and live in Paris since the first time I came to visit back in 2012.

Where should I start.

It all begins with me wanting changes in my life. I get bored easily, not sure if I get bored of myself, places, people, situations, work, who knows. Things change rapidly, first you’re in one place then you are somewhere else in a blink of an eye. They say thoughts become your actions at some point.

I was living in a great place in San Diego, California with a job I loved working with refugees as well as doing my personal project called Art connects HerArts, where I bring free art activities to the community and kids and teenagers at the orphanages out with friends here and there and dating a few people (tell you about that later).

I had the travel bug for many years now and covid had made it hard to travel again. I needed a change. So I decided to quit everything in San Diego, California, and make the move to Paris, France, where I have a friend who has always offered his home. And this friend Aymeric and I met back in 2012 on Couchsurfing on my first adventure to Europe from Brazil (and that’s a different story).


Making a change